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Regulating Vessels

What are the challenges you face?

Oceangoing vessels present significant challenges for regulators in that malfeasance typically happens out of sight. 


Shipping is a significant source of carbon dioxide and other pollution but  governments struggle to interdict rule breakers because of the difficulties of detecting emissions and monitoring vessel movements at sea.

How we support you in solving these challenges?

Automatically highlight suspect vessels

Suspect vessels can be tracked and interdiction planned when suspect vessels enter territorial waters. Tracking tools can be integrated with tools to deploy other assets (such as UAV or aircraft) to collect evidence on suspected rule breakers.

Our Solutions

As a leader in AI (Artificial Intelligence) for the marine environment, Sirius Insight delivers integrated and enhanced information to help you make informed critical decisions. We support you with your challenges, from understanding what your problems are to supplying you with automated and actionable information that can be used. Our range of applications to view this information is what makes us unique.



The SiriusCompliance sanction tool shows a complete vessel history of voyages, port visits, inspections and incidents.  It tracks vessels and provides alerts on higher risk vessels approaching waters allowing focused attention of potential transgressors.

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